PROJECT 886533 TwinECS: Towards a Digital Twin ECS and thermal management architecture models: Improvement of MODELICA libraries and usage of Deep Learning technics
The project consists in developing an efficient, robust, and accurate model to simulate e-ECS under the Dymola/Modelica framework based on libraries provided by the Topic Manager. The central focus is placed on the major challenges underlined in the Clean Sky 2 MALET project which include the efficient simulation of the Vapor Cycle System (VCS), the VCS heat exchangers, and the electrical components. The project modelling approach is twofold as both physical and surrogate models must be developed and integrated into the Dymola/Modelica framework.
This project has received funding from the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Inovation programme under grant agreement No. 886533

Clean Sky is the largest European research programme developing innovative, cutting-edge technology aimed at reducing CO2, gas emissions and noise levels produced by aircraft. Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme, Clean Sky contributes to strengthening European aero-industry collaboration, global leadership and competitiveness.